Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Critical Investigation - Trailer for a new action film. For example, a new gangster film that is as good as the old classics like 'Scarface' and 'Goodfellas' but it is going to be a british movie that appeals to a british audience and the secondary audience is outside of Britain.

Linked Production - Produce your own magazine which is linked in terms of genre. A magazine that promotes the film, possibly with an interview or review of the movie to make it more appealing to people.

Analogue - This is media technology and a method of recording visual and sound images. This shows the shape or appearance of an object in unbroken form, this could be used for the critical investigation.

Bootleg - This means that the criticial investigation cannot be copied because it would be illegal.

Iconography - Their will be many props and visual details which will catergorize the genre to make it show that it is an action film.

Methodolgy - Research on what the audience wants to see or read so i can collect data and interpret the information used in media research so the magazine and movie will appeal to the right set of people to become successful.

Process Model - Sees mass communication as a series of stages in linear process from sources to destinations. This links to the magazine investigation.

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