Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Critical Investigation and Linked Production

My crictical investigation is about me looking in depth and exploring 'To what extent are young teenage boys represented in the media'. I will be looking specifically at how they are shown in the media negatively because young teenage boys are presented with guns, drugs, gangs and violence. I will be looking at newspaper articles, internet sites and the news.

My linked production piece is on a documentary into the lives of the young teenagers and the lives of teenagers who feel they are stereotyped with the rest and do not follow that stereotype.


Media language - Long shots of young males socialising and then looking at the surrounding area, what they are doing and the language they use and then link this back to why the media representations are correct and why they are incorrect.
- The time in which they go out and how they talk, as well as how they talk during the day to show the importance of the language they use and the impact it has on society.
-The music that these dilenquents use and whether they promote their behaviour and the the language used in these songs and if that is appropriate for youngsters to be exposed to and if it links to their actions.

Ideologies - If young males are looked at in a negative light simply because of the media and items like 'hoods' is just a idea in society's minds to be bad because of the streotypes the media put forward.
-Whether intelligent young males are looked at in a negative way and not given a real chance in jobs and life in general because of the negative image they may give off because the media has proclaimed that image to be offensive.

Genre - I can look at the gangs genre and relate it to Americans.
- Relate it back to knife crime and gives facts and figures
- Education and how many young males are successful in school and how many are not.

Representation - How young males are representated in media and how they are streotyped and associated with guns, drugs, violence and gangs.

- How media has portrayed and presented young males in a positive light and promoted them to be good rather than bad.

Audience - A mass audience can be attracted because young teenagers will want to watch the documentary as they may be able to relate to it, adults as they can see the issues with young males as they may have a child themselves and others because they will want to be aware.

- My target audience which is social class C1, C2 and D, males, aged between 14 + because this is usually the class and gender and age that these issues are based around and these are the people that will be most attracted as they can relate to it my secondary audience will be everyone else.
- The socio-economic class that it will appeal to is C1, C2 and D because these are the people who can relate to these issues and live in the areas where this occurs.

Insitution - Many institutions will follow this documentary as it is interesting to all and always will be in the public eye as it is a popular topic.
- Instituions like sky1 and channel 4 simply because it also promoted the Ross Kemp on gangs series and this is very similar.

Narrative - The narrative is going to be based on how young males in London are represented in the media and portrayed in a negative way and streotyped to be bad and associated with gangs, drugs, violence and guns.
- Also, i will be linking to how London young males are following and wanting to be like American gangs e.g. Crips and Bloods
- Lastly, how the narrative links to the news today and make a documentary not following the negative media and showing teenagers in a positive and negative way in order to give people their own judgement.


Social - I will have alot of social issues to cover because there is so much information on the news about young teenage boys and it will be easily accessible because it will be all over the internet on 'BBC' news, google and on the television as well as being TV shows about it. Also, it socially attracts many people and it covers many streotypes, moral panics and the public being worried about teenagers.

Historical - Also, this has been covered in the past and it has been growing in the media due to the recession and crimes are up because more people need money and because of past issues in America is has been immited in England.

Economical - This will be economically good because this documentary can be distributed and funded with a low budget. However, alot of money will be produced because it appeals to the economy and will interest all ages and classes and males or females.

Political -This is a major political factor as the government and economy has problems with this issue and it needs to be solved and because it is to due with guns and drugs and makes the society scared, politically it needs to be overcome.

Issues and debates

Representation - This is a obvious issue because my critical investigation is on how young males are representated and shown in the media and i will be discussing the negative news as well as the positive, what these young males are associated with and why and making a personal judgement at the end.

Media theories

Gender theory - This relates to my critical investigation because I will be specifically looking at males and how they are shown in the media and how they are portrayed in the eyes of the public because of the media and how they are associated with guns, drugs, violence and gangs. This relates to my critical investigation as is is based this theory and I will be looking at males.

Audience theory - This will relate to my critical investigation and linked production pience as i will need to identify how to appeal to my target audience which is social class C1, C2 and D, males, aged between 14 + and my secondary which is all other people and whether it is because of a specific audience theory.

This study fits into the contemporary media landscape because it is an issue which is recentally been in the media regularly and their has been a negative representation on how young teenage males are been related to guns, drugs, gangs and violence. Furthermore, it will link to many theories as it is occuring right now in the media and this would relate to many theories as it is something that is taking place now and people wanting to know the reason behind these streotypes and if they are true and whether to be afraid or not etc. This will make the study contemporary because i will be looking at news articles and news on TV that is happening right now about young teenage boys in London.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Media Theories Homework.

Audience Theories

Any various theories about audiences behaviour towards any kind of media texts.

Linked to theory

- Hyperdermic Model
- Influence
- Active
- Surveliance
- Two step flow
- Recepients
- Reception
- Society
- Cultivation Theory
- Effects theory

Red Herrings

- Stanley Kubrick
- Hegemony
- Misogyny
- Gramski
- Signs

Gender Theories

- Post Feminism
- Patriachy
- Misogyny
- Stereotypes
- Sexual object
- Representation
- Male gaze
- Maculinity
- Feminimity
- Socialisation

Red Herrings

- Religion
- Active
- Survelience
- Newspaper
- Bootleg


- Military
- Economic
- Politcal
- Cultural
- Power
- Cultural Imperialism
- Domination
- Global
- Westernised
- Colonial

Red Herrings

- Disharmony
- Chomsky Noam
- Patriachy
- Methodology
- Iconography

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Critical Investigation - Trailer for a new action film. For example, a new gangster film that is as good as the old classics like 'Scarface' and 'Goodfellas' but it is going to be a british movie that appeals to a british audience and the secondary audience is outside of Britain.

Linked Production - Produce your own magazine which is linked in terms of genre. A magazine that promotes the film, possibly with an interview or review of the movie to make it more appealing to people.

Analogue - This is media technology and a method of recording visual and sound images. This shows the shape or appearance of an object in unbroken form, this could be used for the critical investigation.

Bootleg - This means that the criticial investigation cannot be copied because it would be illegal.

Iconography - Their will be many props and visual details which will catergorize the genre to make it show that it is an action film.

Methodolgy - Research on what the audience wants to see or read so i can collect data and interpret the information used in media research so the magazine and movie will appeal to the right set of people to become successful.

Process Model - Sees mass communication as a series of stages in linear process from sources to destinations. This links to the magazine investigation.